Tag Archives: supernatural fiction

Demon Mania rocked it

demon_maniaA few weeks ago, I finished Harvey Click’s sequel to Demon Frenzy, titled: Demon Mania. I absolutely love Harvey’s writing, and though I tried mightily, I couldn’t resist emailing him and saying how awed I was by his storytelling abilities.

I won’t bog this post down with a synopsis, except to say it starts not too long after book 1 left off, with Amy (the main character)  being forced to dip back into a world she thought she’d left behind. Fans of the last book will rejoice at old characters returning (this was my absolute favorite part — all the characters). I loved the demonology, the realistic magic I call “magical realism” (I’m sure someone else has coined the phrase already).

I’m looking forward to as many more books as he’s willing to put out. Honestly, having read all his books so far, the guy could write a shopping list and I’d read it.

If you haven’t read book 1, you’re in for a treat — here’s the cover by Keith Draws (a great artist). Buy it, I promise you’ll love it.




Filed under Awesome Indies, Reviews